ISO 9001:2015

Why we care about ISO 9001 Certificate;

  • Customer complaints are reduced and customer satisfaction and loyalty increases in an organization that focuses on relations with customers.
  • It provides better product design by prioritizing customer requests and expectations.
  • Minimizes the costs of poor quality caused by quality problems.
  • Effective management is ensured by better planning of activities and faster resolution of problems.
  • Management keeps its business under clear control and makes healthier decisions.
  • Since all problems will be analyzed systematically, there will be a continuous, sustainable improvement in the enterprise
  • The participation of the employees in the activities is ensured and the motivation and excitement of the work increases.
  • The ratio of qualified stuff increases due to continuous improvement in every field.
  • Systematic approach to solving interdepartmental problems increases productivity.
  • The defined functioning between processes and functions ensures a healthy flow of information within the organization.
  • The quality image of the organization is strengthened and the confidence of the customers increases.
  • It opens up new markets and increases the differentiates from competitors.
  • It opens up new markets and increases the differences with opponents.
  • It establishes a systematic and managerial infrastructure and provides a further step towards institutionalization.
  • Corporate identity ensures stability.


Design and production of sacks and bags of paper.